Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'll order you a red cap and a speedo.

Steve Zissou, sea-film auteur a la Jacques Cousteau, has reason to be melancholy: his partner has been eaten, perhaps by a mythic jaguar shark, his wife may be taking up with her ex-husband, a young man appears claiming Steve is his father, his most recent films have tanked, he's having trouble raising money for his venture to revenge his partner, and he's attracted to a pregnant reporter who prefers his alleged son. At sea, in pursuit of the shark, will he escape pirates and mutiny, forge the bonds of fatherhood, place his arm around his wife, find the monster of the deep, re-establish box office hegemony, and discover a reason to smile?

Patten Cinemas is proud to present, for your viewing pleasure, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. This special viewing of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, marks the 38th chapter of Season Two of Sunday Movie Night, an ongoing series exploring cinema through the years. The weekly series continues Sunday, September 27th, at 7pm, and will return every Sunday at 7pm throughout the year.