Thursday, September 24, 2009

I promise this is not about any specific person. This is just a combination of thoughts in my head about a million different observations

I am tired of your past and I am already sick of your tomorrows. What more could you try and share with me? What more is there that I need to know? I think you have told me every bit of useless information about yourself that I care to know. I am not sure I can care to know anymore. I have cared about you for so long now and have given you my all. But, where has it gotten me? All we have done is backtrack. I thought it was my turn, I thought I had a new place to lean, a new place to lay my soul. But instead, I was right back at your doorstep again. When I'm here, I just beg for your attention and seek anything from you that I can get. I hate myself in your presence and all that I've become. I am so easily distracted by what my heart does around you and it's even worse when I'm away from you. I thought I was glad that my life had become me and you, but now I have faced the reality that this is not who I want to be. Or maybe it's just not who I can be. Because I do want this. But I want it to be perfect, and it can never be that. I ask for too much and you take away too much. When it comes down to it, we don't make a great pair. We're too much alike and yet have nothing in common. You say you care about others, but I know that's not always true. It can't be. Not when this has turned into your world. And I just walk through it day after day, seeking new ways to please you. But I have to move on. I have to be done. I have to learn from this and seek shelter in something that will truly stand for me when I need it - not under a roofless image of what I thought you were.