Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Saturday! Saturday!

I have only 2 full days left until I have to run the mini and until Jacci and I leave on our trip. I'm very excited for both, but I think I'm really just excited for the mini to be over than I am to actually do it. I guess you could say that I have been training for this 13 miles since late summer of last year. But, even though I did a lot of "2adays" over the winter, I don't think I really started my long-distance running till the weather got nicer, so in like the last 2 months. The longest I have done is 12 miles, but there are days when I don't even feel like I can do 4! I really hope i can do well on Saturday. My goal is to be able to run the entire way, and will do a light jog if I have to, and if I have to, I don't want to walk until the 10th or 11th mile. I'm also praying for good weather and for my current physical issues to all be ok while I'm running and afterward. We plan on leaving from mom's around 5:30am on Saturday and the race starts at 7:30! In my opinion, that is just way too early! Really, what is the point on starting that early?! Really.

So, after the race, I plan on returning home and sleeping for at least 4 hours, and then it will be up to finish packing! That's right! Packing! Jacci and I will be departing around 7pm for our road trip! We will be gone for 2 weeks and will get back either on Friday the 15th or Saturday the 16th. I am so incredibly ready for this trip! We have been planning and looking forward to it for quite some time and can't believe it's actually this weekend! For this, I am praying for safe travels, not getting lost, and that everything back here goes well. Travis will be here, alone, so please check up on him and make sure he's ok :) and not spending 24/7 on the computer playing warcraft in his underwear! :P Or, better yet, please check on Stifler to make sure he has been fed and taken care of! He might be in danger without me for 2 weeks!

Lastly, I'm going to mention the disgrace that is our current yard situation. We have apparently been growing a field of clover this last year! It's obnoxious! And, we still haven't done a complete mow yet, not just because we haven't had time, but also because we have bunnies! I have seen and almost ran over at least 2 bunnies, but there might be more! I don't know if I'm seeing the same 2 over and over, or if there are 2 more around. And, they're everywhere I want to mow! I talked to them tonight about how they need to watch it and to please understand that I am not trying to hurt them! But I don't think they listened. They just sat there and looked at me. They are so adorable and i can hold them in my hands...that is, until the jump or run away. One of them was even right by our front door the other night when Travis came home! I told them that I am glad they like us and feel safe here, but seriously, I need to mow! But I'm so freaked out that I'm going to run over them, especially since they keep moving where they are!

Ok, this will probably be my last post until I'm on the road. I will try to upload photos as we go!


Carol & Kevin said...

Congrats on finishing the Mini, Morgan!!

We're looking forward to watching you and Jacci enjoy your roadtrip! Be safe and have fun!!

Love, Meem & Peep